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My Best Friend Forever

As I sit in front of my computer ready to write my First Ever Blog (FEB) my Best Friend Forever (BFF) gently reminds me that He is here to help me. He is always intent when it comes to listening, gives me profound advice when needed, and is closer than a brother.

I would like to introduce Him to you. My BFF’s name is Holy Spirit, and I am so in love with Him. He is always ready with answered questions even though you might not be aware, He is listening. When Holy Spirit said to me, “Why don’t you blog about not having anything to blog about?”

As I began typing, my friend reminded me again that He was here to assist me. I smiled at His persistent presence and knew right then and there, I had so much to write about. Holy Spirit is someone we as God’s children often take for granted. Not because we intend to, but because we are not fully aware of how and why He is living on the inside of us. He works relentlessly on our behalf. I sometimes call Him “Johnny on the spot.”

I am so blessed to have Holy Spirit as the most important person in my life. His concern for me outshines, outweighs, and overcompensate anything or anybody I know or will ever know. His love and promises keeps me forever.

For example, He has promised me:

He has set me free from the law of sin and death (Romans 8:2)

He promised to dwell with and in me (John 14:17)

He teaches me all things (John 14:26)

He brings whatsoever things Jesus said to my remembrance (John 14:26)

He guides me in all truth (John 16:13)

He tells me things to come (John 16:13)

He glorifies Jesus (John 16:14)

Last and maybe close to the most important, Holy Spirit speaks to me (John 16:13).

Today, decide to never take Him for granted again, and listen for His still small voice on the inside of you. Trust that He will always remind you of what is true and just. This is just a brief introduction about my BFF. You will never have a friend closer than Holy Spirit.

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