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His Queen Always

I was in a conference in a little village outside of Heidelberg, Germany when I first heard the song Royalty by Alberto and Kimberly Rivera. As the call for prayer was given and they played the song I went to the altar and God healed me of wounds that I did not even recognize I had at the time. A couple of years later when my husband and I celebrated our 25th anniversary, this is the song that was played as I walked down the aisle to join him and we renewed our vows. The following are the lyrics:

I saw you as a little girl putting these beautiful dresses on, saying, "Mommy, Daddy, look at me; Look at the beautiful princess that I am." You dressed well for the part, because I say you are a queen. You are royalty, royalty. And I remember looking upon your face, and I remember washing over you with My tears, ...cause I saw the very day that you stopped believing that you were a princess, ...and My heart broke ...and My tears flowed down, tears flowed down like a river. And now I say, "I'm gathering you— I'm gathering every piece of your heart that's been scattered... ...and I'm making it new; I'm making it new. And your countenance shall reflect the mirror that I've placed before you. Because you are to know, when I see you, I see the queen that I created. So, what will you decree? What do you want to see? What will you decree? What do you want to see? This day...

I did not realize that somewhere along the way while living the life I have been given that my heart had been so broken. I had experienced so much disappointment that I simply stopped believing that God had placed a crown upon my head and had given me royal garments and all the authority that goes with being royalty. I had forgotten that He had decreed me royalty and I had ceased to see myself as such. It took His love and mercy and grace and kindness and healing to remind me of who I was. It was He that day that gathered the pieces of my broken heart and made it whole again. Little did my husband know that when he saw this woman walking toward him that He was getting the new whole version of who I was. He is a blessed man indeed and I do not say that in pride. I am humbled that the Almighty Father would call me His “Queen” first and then present me to my husband. Yes, Mike is a blessed man indeed!

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