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Keyboard and Mouse

Doing It Scared

Growing up, I was always the girl with the “cute face.” I was never the athlete that was popular among the jocks, nor was I the pretty girl that all the boys were after. Don’t get me wrong…I had plenty of associates, and always had something to do. And, if that wasn’t enough, my Mom nicknamed me “Dear Abby,” because I seemed to always be on the phone and full of “advice” for those that I considered to be my friends. But behind all the phone calls and the long list of activities that I did on a weekly basis, there was always a longing to belong…a desire to feel wanted, and …a need to be chosen.

As an adult, it has only been within the last couple of years that I have become comfortable with who I am. It took years of reprogramming the way that I saw myself that I realized that the very things that I wanted, that I needed, were there all the time. I’m still the girl with the cute face, but I am so much more than that. I wonder if I had realized who I was a lot sooner in my life, would I have made some of the decisions that seemed to plague me for so long. If God told me who I was a couple of years earlier would I be where I think I’m supposed to be? Do you feel the same way that I do? How do you describe yourself when you look in the mirror? What does the image staring back at you say? Are you comfortable with who you are? If you were your friend, could you stand to be around you?

In full transparency and with everything in me, I am for God examining my heart and showing me who I am…even if I must do it scared. As we embark on this new journey that will allow us to learn who we are in Christ, walk in the dimensions he has for us, and experience the supernatural, we must first take off our masks, peel back the layers and become the best version of ourselves.

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