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Keyboard and Mouse

Waiting for You...

With so much going on in the world today, let's just be real with one another, life often gets in the way. Between taking care of our homes, going to work, attending church and trying to have some form of a social life, its a wonder we have time to sleep, much less think. But for a girl like me...that was the whole point for years. I stayed busy on purpose. The more busy I was, the less time I had to deal with me. And the less time I had to deal with me meant I didn't have to face my issues. But God...

Maybe you have it all together and you just want to glean some wisdom from a "seasoned" Woman of God for that next chapter in your life. Or maybe you're that young lady that is just getting started and needs all the help that she can get. Or maybe you're like me and you're hanging on by just a thread and you need to lean on someone else who can pull you through. Whatever your situation may be, know that we are waiting for you. We have prayed and fasted just for you and we can't wait to meet you on August 15th! So make sure you RSVP for the kick-off and be sure to grab you a cute HiP t-shirt. I promise you, this will be the best decision that you will ever make.

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